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Why Is It Important To Trim Trees?

Nov 15

To keep trees healthy. Trimming tree branches helps promote growth and slow wood decay, keeping your tree strong. It also lets in more air and sunlight, which encourages the tree to grow at a natural rate.

Trimming also prevents damage that can lead to costly repairs or replacement. You may have noticed that some trees look full at the top and gradually taper off toward the bottom.

This is because tree branches naturally grow out and up, not down and in like other plants. Left alone, tree limbs will continue to grow outward until they hit an object or another tree branch. When this happens, the tree limb might crack under the pressure of growth and fall prematurely. Tree trimming helps reduce the likelihood of tree branch impact.

Not only can tree branches be broken by growth, but they can also break under the weight of ice and snow during winter months or heavy winds. If tree branches are left to grow on their own, large tree limbs might crack due to too much pressure, which poses danger for pedestrians on the ground below. 

How often should trees be trimmed?

It is advisable for tree trimming to be done between January and March, taking into consideration tree species. This gives tree workers enough time before tree blooms are out so that they can work on removing deadwood. While pruning isn't needed for tree growth, it's important to remember that excess vegetation will lead to overcrowding in the future tree.

That said, tree trimming varies depending on tree species and tree height. Those that reside in tree-lined streets such as oaks can be trimmed once every few years if they're blocking light from reaching the vegetation below them. Deciduous trees such as maples require tree trimming in order for sunlight to reach the ground, while evergreens such as tree firs only require tree trimming every few years. If you live in tree-lined streets, schedule to get tree trimming to be done once every three years for large trees and at least twice every five years for small trees.

Remember that tree trimming is also necessary when branches or tree roots are infringing on the tree. Pruning tree roots is necessary to allow trees out from the tree trunk and encourage tree growth as a tree begins to mature. Tree trimming should be done before tree branches break, as well as during windy seasons.

Consider Hiring a Professional Tree Service Company

Tree trimming should always be done by professional tree workers because it takes experience and skill to carry out stump removal, tree pruning, and tree root removal.

When it comes to tree service, make sure the job is done properly by hiring a reliable company such as TTCV tree services. If you need tree trimming or tree height restrictions along your property line for privacy reasons, tree services can help.

Tree Trimming Conclusion

Trimming tree branches is vital to the tree's health. The bark of tree branches can get easily injured by lawn mowers, tree trimmers, and other tree cutting tools. If this happens too often, the tree might die. You should also trim tree branches that grow into an inconvenient position or are rubbing against one another. This will help tree branches to grow without being damaged. If tree branches have grown into a weird position and the tree is not trimmed, it might be at risk of catching a disease or insect infestation.